Friday, 4 October 2013

How to build a raised bed


Here are some pretty self-explanatory pix on how to build a raised bed. The bits which are missed out is the hours and hours it takes to fill it with hardcore first, then the wheelbarrows full of earth. I thought I'd spare you those bits, they weren't much fun for us so they won't be fun for you!

First, if you're building on concrete or loc block, you have to create drainage holes.

Railway sleepers from a local building centre.

Screw bits of wood to the back to keep them together.

Line it with black plastic so the earth doesn't escape to the front, and tack the plastic to the sleepers.

Hard core goes in, then weed-suppresent fabric on top, followed by a layer of good stuff for the earth (pellets of smelly chicken poo, if you must know!).

Then lots and lots and lots of sifting earth from the back of the garden, and wheelbarrowing it over to the raised bed.

There you go! If we can do it, so can you.....

Thanks for dropping by and more pix to come of the green stuff planted into the raised bed. It's near the kitchen so that should give you a little clue!

Karen x

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